Boards of directors should be wary of following Exxon’s lead in suing shareholders they disagree with ExxonMobil‘s lawsuit against two activist investors was recently dismissed, and while the oil and gas giant still came out with a win by compelling the groups to withdraw their shareholder proposals on emissions, the victory could come at a… Continue reading Exxon Suit Could Have ‘Chilling Effect’ on Proposals, Despite Dismissal
Tag: Shareholder Proposals
This Year’s AI Proposals Are Just ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
AI presents a host of strategic, ethical and regulatory challenges that directors need to stay ahead of. The burgeoning number of shareholder proposals related to artificial intelligence this proxy season may be a jumping-off point for boards overseeing the new technology, but AI presents a host of other strategic, ethical and regulatory challenges that directors… Continue reading This Year’s AI Proposals Are Just ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Paramount Faces Golden Parachute Clash as CEO Steps Down
Departing Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish’s exit package is estimated to top $50 million, highlighting a stockholder proposal up for a vote this spring that, if adopted, would require shareholder approval of golden parachutes. Shareholders are targeting nearly two dozen Russell 3000 companies with similar proposals this proxy season, and observers said investors’ focus on… Continue reading Paramount Faces Golden Parachute Clash as CEO Steps Down
Climate Resolutions See Sustained Support, Despite ESG Backlash
This year investors are emphasizing climate risk as part of their push to get companies to address global warming, while treading more carefully around issues related to pay linked to sustainability goals, according to market watcher. …This year so far, investors have filed 19 climate change-related resolutions that mention climate risk at S&P 500 companies… Continue reading Climate Resolutions See Sustained Support, Despite ESG Backlash
Political Proposals Pile Onto Proxies
A number of boards are facing votes related to their companies’ political activities this year as the temperature surrounding companies in the political sphere keeps heating up. Already this year, shareholders have voted on two proposals as big companies — Hewlett Packard Enterprise and The Walt Disney Company — related to political activity, which garnered… Continue reading Political Proposals Pile Onto Proxies
Labor Issues Poised to Trigger More Oversight Lawsuits
Shareholder proposals aimed at labor-related issues have more than tripled over the last year, bringing with them additional risks for boards and companies. The growing spotlight on labor could bring battles that unfold on proxies or in court — and a recent Delaware Chancery Court case could further the trend. In 2022, shareholders across all… Continue reading Labor Issues Poised to Trigger More Oversight Lawsuits
Shareholders Ratchet Up Pressure on Labor-Related Proposals
Labor-related shareholder proposals are on the rise with initiatives aimed at working conditions more than tripling last year. These resolutions have received a high average rate of support, and investors are maintaining pressure on the subject. Therefore, sources say, directors should view these measures with prudence. …Shareholders filed at least 29 proposals in 2022 related… Continue reading Shareholders Ratchet Up Pressure on Labor-Related Proposals
Companies Under Fire Over Plastic Use
Plastic use and the risks associated with it are garnering more heat from stakeholder groups, including shareholders, the federal government, the United Nations and ESG accounting standard setters, which have targeted single-use plastics. Boards should ensure that appropriate internal stakeholders are prepared for increased focus on the issue, which has generated popular shareholder proposals this… Continue reading Companies Under Fire Over Plastic Use